Jennifer Stachowski Jennifer Stachowski

Thyroid Support

I was able to take action and use all natural support for my thyroid to the point I no longer needed to be dependent on prescription meds.

πŸ€·β€β™€οΈDid you know it is very common for hormones to be out of wack? The thyroid is a concern for many. You may feel super sluggish, lacking energy, feeling drained and finding it tough to do even the littlest things.

πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈA few years ago I felt this way and I also felt a little tightness in my throat. I went to my doctor who sent me to an endocrinologist ⛑️ Left his office with a prescription and away I went on pillsπŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

Fast forward to when I discovered doterra and began researching and learning that oils can support the thyroidπŸ“•πŸ” I learned which oils and the next time I went to my doctor I told her I didn't want to go back to the endocrinologist and would rather go the natural way to support my body. I thought I would get quite the pushback but it was quite the contrary! πŸ₯°Instead she encouraged me to try, said I'd come back for a blood test to measure its progress and away I went.

I rolled my rollerbottle over my throat every night. When I could do so in morning I did as well. Within several weeks I noticed a change. It wasn't immediate but it did come with consistency! Never ever went back onto the prescription. Solution found.

Have you found a struggle with your thyroid? Maybe even another health concern? I would love to help guide you to what will support you! DM me. Happy to help.

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